Friday 29 June 2007

Ready for the off

Friday evening and just a few hours to go. Caskey and I have provisioned the boat today and done some sort of a stow. A couple of jobs to do tomorrow (bracket to stow the out board and a fresh water leak) and we should be set for the off at 1030 on Sunday. The weather is going to be atrocious - force 6 and chucking it down but at least the wind will be from the SW so we'll have a brisk but soggy run to Salcombe.
Stubbles on the water taxi pointed out something quite pertinent today - I've got my dates wrong and we won't be arriving back with the Red Arrows, well we will if I wait an extra week! Hey ho. Tamsin has just issued a press release telling the world that we're getting a fly-past. Oops.
Next one will be from Salcombe I hope.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and your crew. We'll be following your adventure all the way.

Anonymous said...

A short discussion thread about your trip on the Scuttlebutt forum at has raised a few questions.

1) Why use the Crinan Canal and so fall just short of the round mainland Britain achievement?

2) Your itinerary makes no allowance for gale bound days in port. What is your weather ceiling?

3) Will someone maintain a daily log on the web site for those days when you cannot connect to the internet?

Anyhow I will be following your voyage with interest since

Jonathan, yacht Perfect Match

Anonymous said...

Lots of luck to you both.
Have a fantastic and safe voyage.
Can't wait to join you in the Scillys.
p.s flypast shmypast


Anonymous said...

Weather's truly grim 'in the city' - I hope its better with you! I'm sure you and Caskey will snuggle up together and keep each other warm somehow!!

Steve Cooksey said...

Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your comments and good wishes.To answer your queries -
1) I want to visit a friend in Dunstaffnage at Alba Sailing School and the Crinan seemed a good way to get there. It never crossed my mind that I was cutting a lump off. Now that you've mentioned it I'm going to feel that I've sold myself short!
2) The itinerary allows for avarage 40 miles per day. My aim is to put in extra miles when the crew and conditions are up to it and miss one or two stops so I have days in hand. In hind sight I realise that I should have allowed one day per week as a safety net. But if we're late than so be it.
3) No. I haven't arranged anything. I'll try to keep as up to date as I can.